Stretching Before and After Exercise: Effect on Muscle Soreness and Injury Risk (2024)

  • Journal List
  • J Athl Train
  • v.40(3); Jul-Sep 2005
  • PMC1250267

Stretching Before and After Exercise: Effect on Muscle Soreness and Injury Risk (1)

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J. C Andersen

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Reference: Herbert RD, Gabriel M. Effects of stretching before and after exercise on muscle soreness and risk of injury: systematic review. BMJ. 2002;325:468.

Clinical Question: Among physically active individuals, does stretching before and after exercise affect muscle soreness and risk of injury?

Data Sources: Studies were identified by searching MEDLINE (1966–February 2000), EMBASE (1988–February 2000), CINAHL (1982–1999), SPORT Discus (1949–1999), and PEDro (to February 2000). I searched the reference lists of identified studies manually until no further studies were identified. The search terms stretch, exercise, warm-up, and cool down were used in all databases except MEDLINE. In MEDLINE, an optimized OVID search strategy was used. This strategy included the terms searched in the other databases as well as terms such as flexibility, athletic injuries, sports, soreness, and muscle.

Study Selection: The search was limited to English-language articles obtained from the electronic searches and the subsequent manual searches. This review included randomized or quasirandomized investigations that studied the effects of any stretching technique, before or after exercise, on delayed-onset muscle soreness, risk of injury, or athletic performance. Studies were included only if stretching occurred immediately before or after exercising.

Data Extraction: Data extraction and assessment of study quality were well described. The principal outcome measures were measurements of muscle soreness and indices of injury risk. Results from the soreness studies were pooled by converting the numeric scores to percentages of the maximum possible score. These data were then reported as millimeters on a 100-mm visual analogue scale. Results of comparable studies were pooled using a fixed-effects model meta-analysis. Survival analysis using a Cox regression model was calculated on the time-to-event (injury) data.

Main Results: The total number of articles identified using the search criteria was not provided; however, 5 studies on stretching and muscle soreness met inclusion and exclusion criteria. All of the studies meeting the criteria employed static stretching. One group reported the findings from 2 experiments, resulting in 6 studies meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria. For the risk of injury, 2 studies, both investigating lower extremity injury risk in army recruits undergoing 12 weeks of basic training, met inclusion and exclusion criteria. On the basis of the PEDro scale, the methodologic quality of the studies included in the review was moderate (range, 2–7 of 10), with a mean of 4.1. For the studies on muscle soreness, 3 groups evaluated postexercise stretching, whereas 2 evaluated preexercise stretching. The participant characteristics from the 5 studies were noted to be reasonably hom*ogeneous. Subjects in all studies were healthy young adults between the ages of 18 and 40 years (inclusive). For all studies but one, total stretching time per session ranged from 300 to 600 seconds. The exception was one study in which total stretching time was 80 seconds. Data from 77 subjects were pooled for the meta-analysis of muscle soreness outcomes at 24, 48, and 72 hours after exercising. At 24 hours postexercise, the pooled mean effect of stretching after exercise was −0.9 mm (on a 100-mm scale; negative values favor stretching), with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of −4.4 to 2.6 mm. At 48 hours, the pooled mean effect was 0.3 mm (95% CI = −4.0 to 4.5 mm), whereas at 72 hours, the pooled mean effect was −1.6 mm (95% CI = −5.9 to 2.6 mm). In each of these analyses, the results were not statistically significant in favor of either stretching or not stretching. For the studies on risk of lower extremity injury, the authors provided time-to-event (injury) data from 2630 subjects (65 military trainee platoons). These data were then combined and resulted in the allocation of 1284 subjects to stretching groups and 1346 subjects to control groups. The survival analysis identified a pooled estimate of the all-injuries hazard ratio of 0.95 (ie, a 5% decrease in injury risk; 95% CI = 0.78 to 1.16), which was not statistically significant.

Conclusions: The data on stretching and muscle soreness indicate that, on average, individuals will observe a reduction in soreness of less than 2 mm on a 100-mm scale during the 72 hours after exercise. With respect to risk of injury, the combined risk reduction of 5% indicates that the stretching protocols used in these studies do not meaningfully reduce lower extremity injury risk of army recruits undergoing military training.


Stretching before or after physical activity can be observed daily in the clinical setting and in the community, as clinicians and patients use stretching to prevent injury, decrease soreness, and improve performance. These concepts are also often cited in textbooks as being among the important reasons to include stretching in an injury-prevention program.1,2 Also, preactivity or postactivity stretching to prevent or alleviate postexercise muscle soreness, if effective, could have a positive effect on subsequent physical activity. That is, if stretching effectively reduces soreness, then future performance may be relatively unaffected.3 In contrast, the results of this systematic review by Herbert and Gabriel do not support the role of stretching, as performed in the included studies, in decreasing muscle soreness after exercise.

The preexercise stretching protocols used in the included studies on muscle soreness typically consisted of 2 to 10 repetitions held for 20 to 120 seconds for up to 4 days after exercise. The postexercise protocols used typically consisted of 4 to 10 repetitions held for 30 to 120 seconds. On the basis of their meta-analysis of the muscle soreness studies, the authors observed, on average, a 2% reduction in soreness over the first 72 hours after exercise. This reduction is likely to be of little or no practical significance to most patients treated by athletic trainers or other health care professionals. In addition, these observations are consistent with the results obtained with other interventions aimed at decreasing postexercise muscle soreness.3

With respect to stretching and lower extremity injury risk reduction in army recruits, the stretching protocols consisted of either two 20-second stretches of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles on each side or one 20-second stretch of the gastrocnemius, soleus, hamstring, quadriceps, hip adductor, and hip flexor muscle groups on each side. In their meta-analysis, Herbert and Gabriel indicated that the stretching protocols used in the included studies demonstrated an all-injury risk reduction of 5%. The stretching program was conducted for 40 exercise sessions during the 12-week training period. Although this stretching protocol has some similarities to the protocol advocated by the American College of Sports Medicine to improve flexibility, it does not replicate the recommended total volume of stretching.4 In addition, the authors of one of the included studies suggested that the stretches performed by their subjects may not have been sustained long enough to effect changes in the musculotendinous unit to reduce injury risk.5 Putting the results of these studies in practical terms, however, indicates that about 141 people would need to stretch for 12 weeks to prevent 1 injury.6 Applying these findings to the broader athlete population, who likely have a lower injury risk than army recruits, the authors stated that the risk reduction would likely be smaller than 5%. These studies used the selected protocols described above; the potential benefits of other stretching protocols are unknown at this time.

This systematic review by Herbert and Gabriel has several limitations. An important limitation is the inclusion of articles only written in English, which may result in bias in the conclusions.5 The authors acknowledged this potential bias in their discussion and further stated that a search for non–English language articles did not identify any articles meeting the inclusion criteria. Another limiting factor is their inclusion of both randomized and quasirandomized studies in the systematic review. By doing this, the authors may have confounded their ability to reduce bias and random error among the included studies.5 This potential confounding could be detrimental to the strength of the evidence reported in the review. However, this observation is likely most important for the muscle-soreness component of the review, as the injury-risk component included only randomized studies.5

In view of the limitations of the review, the evidence presented here indicates that neither pre-exercise nor postexercise stretching positively affects soreness. This observation is consistent with the extensive body of literature on the treatment of postexercise muscle soreness, indicating that no nonpharmacologic intervention has a significant effect on soreness.3 However, the authors stated there is a need to conduct randomized studies of sound methodologic quality on stretching and its effect on postexercise muscle soreness.

With respect to injury risk reduction, the authors have provided strong evidence from randomized trials that pre-exercise stretching of the major lower extremity musculature using a specific stretching protocol does not result in a meaningful reduction of lower extremity injury risk. However, because these investigators only studied army recruits, the authors stated it would be interesting to assess the effect of more prolonged stretching performed by recreational athletes over an extended time (ie, months or years) on injury risk reduction.

Although investigating stretching in athletes over a prolonged period would seem to be the next logical step in the study of stretching and injury risk reduction, some insights from Shrier suggest otherwise.7 That is, during his review of the basic science literature, he noted 5 theoretic arguments against pre-exercise stretching for injury prevention. One argument deals with the concept of compliance in muscles (ie, the length change of a muscle when force is applied). As seen in the basic science literature, increased muscle compliance is associated with a decreased ability to absorb energy in a muscle at rest, whereas a contracting muscle is less compliant but can absorb more force. Therefore, greater compliance, which can be achieved through stretching, is not necessarily related to the tissue's resistance to injury.7 A second concept presented is related to the observation that sarcomere length in an active muscle is heterogeneous. This is significant during muscle activity because when some sarcomeres are stretched to the point that the actin and myosin filaments do not overlap, the force being absorbed is transmitted to the muscle fiber cytoskeleton, resulting in fiber damage. In addition, the basic science literature indicates these events can happen when the joint is within its normal range of motion. Therefore, muscle compliance may be irrelevant to injury, whereas loss of energy-absorbing capacity of overstretched sarcomeres is of greater importance.

Another issue is the observation that muscle tissue compliance at rest and during activity is unrelated. This observation, in conjunction with the belief that injuries occur when a muscle is active, indicates that stretching, which increases compliance at rest, does not support the concept of decreased injury risk when the muscle is active. The basic science literature has also shown that stretching muscle as little as 20% of its resting length, which can occur during correct stretching techniques, can produce damage in isolated preparations.7 These findings indicate that it may be difficult to define the correct stretching techniques to reduce injury risk. The final argument is based on the observation that increased range of motion occurring with stretching may be in part a result of an increase in stretch tolerance. That is, stretching does not improve tissue compliance; rather, the stretching exercises increase stretch tolerance (ie, reduce pain) during the stretching procedure.

In summary, the results of this review do not support the role of pre-exercise or postexercise stretching as an intervention addressing postexercise muscle soreness. In addition, the evidence presented in this review does not support the role of pre-exercise stretching in the reduction of lower extremity injury risk. However, it should be understood that we need further studies of stronger methodologic quality and studies that focus on other regions of the body as well as on the lower extremity. We also need further study of the longitudinal application of stretching and injury risk reduction. Investigators should take into account the insights obtained from the basic science literature and make efforts to apply this information in clinical studies.


  • Bischoff C, Perrin DH. Injury prevention. In: Schenck RC, ed. Athletic Training and Sports Medicine. 3rd ed. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 1999:50–53.
  • Irvin R, Iversen D, Roy S. Sports Medicine: Prevention, Assessment, Management, and Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon; 1998: 26–29.
  • Cheung K, Hume PA, Maxwell L. Delayed onset muscle soreness: treatment strategies and performance factors. Sports Med. 2003;33:145–164. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • Fahey TD, Insel PM, Roth WT. Fit and Well. 5th ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill; 2003.
  • Pope RP, Herbert RD, Kirwan JD, Graham BJ. A randomized trial of pre-exercise stretching for prevention of lower limb injury. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000;32:271–277. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
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  • Shrier I. Stretching before exercise does not reduce the risk of local muscle injury: a critical review of the clinical and basic science literature. Clin J Sport Med. 1999;9:221–227. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

Articles from Journal of Athletic Training are provided here courtesy of National Athletic Trainers Association

Stretching Before and After Exercise: Effect on Muscle Soreness and Injury Risk (2024)


How does stretching before exercise affect the risk of injury? ›

Recent studies caution people away from stretching before workouts, suggesting it actually impedes your body's performance. According to this research, runners run more slowly, jumpers jump less high, and weight lifters lift more weakly by stretching, without significantly ensuring against injury during their exercise.

Why is it important to stretch before during and after exercise? ›

It helps prepare your body for exercise.

Pre-workout mobility also increases core body temperature and stimulates increased blood flow throughout the body so your tissues will have adequate amounts of oxygen. Meanwhile, stretching after a workout helps you cool down appropriately and reduce tissue tightness and pain.

Does stretching affect muscle soreness? ›

One large study showed that stretching before and after exercise reduced peak soreness over a one week period by, on average, four points on a 100-point scale (mean difference -3.80, 95% CI -5.17 to -2.43). This effect, though statistically significant, is very small.

Is it good to stretch before and after a workout? ›

Stretching before a workout can make your muscles looser and warm up the body, however, stretching after accomplishes both of those benefits while also increasing blood flow which helps with muscle recovery from either an intense or light workout. The best time to stretch is after a workout.

Why is it important to stretch your body before exercise? ›

Stretching prior to exercise allows the muscles to loosen up and become resistant to the impact they are about to undergo, thereby reducing the chance of injury.

Does stretching before and after exercise provide any form of benefits prevent injury risk and improve performance and reduce muscle soreness? ›

Benefits of stretching

However, research has shown that stretching can help improve flexibility, and, as a result, the range of motion of your joints. Better flexibility may: Improve your performance in physical activities. Decrease your risk of injuries.

What happens if you don't stretch before and after a workout? ›

Your Body Will Become More Vulnerable to Muscle Pain and Tightness. Without regular stretching, your body gets cold, and your muscles tighten up. Eventually, your muscles will pull on your joints and trigger significant pain and discomfort.

Does stretching after exercise prevent injury? ›

Conclusion. Stretching before or after exercise does not prevent muscle soreness or reduce risk of injury.

Why is it important to warm-up before and stretch after? ›

Warming up prevents injuries by loosening your joints, and improving blood flow to your muscles — making your muscles less likely to rip, tear, or twist in a harmful way during your workout. Stretching also helps prepare your muscles for the physical activities you're about to perform.

What happens to muscles when you stretch? ›

When you stretch a muscle, your body responds by increasing blood flow to that area. The blood vessels around the targeted muscle widen to allow more blood to flow through, and your heart starts pumping more blood.

How do you stretch to prevent soreness? ›

5 Dynamic Stretches to Combat Muscle Soreness
  1. ARM CIRCLES. Hold your arms out to your side, parallel to the floor. ...
  2. LUNGE WITH SPINAL TWIST. Alternate a reverse lunge where you move slowly and hold the lunge for a couple of seconds. ...
  3. LEG SWING. ...
  4. INCH WORM. ...

What do you do for sore muscles? ›

To help relieve muscle soreness, try:
  1. Gentle stretching.
  2. Muscle massage.
  3. Rest.
  4. Ice to help reduce inflammation.
  5. Heat to help increase blood flow to your muscles. ...
  6. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medicine, such as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) like ibuprofen (brand name: Advil).
9 Jun 2020

What type of stretching do you do before and after your workout? ›

It's a good idea to do dynamic stretching before a workout, and static stretching after a workout, no matter what kind of exercise you're doing.

Does stretching before exercise prevent injury? ›

Stretching a healthy muscle before exercise does not prevent injury or soreness. Muscles are made of bundles of tiny fibers. In a typical exercise-related muscle strain, these fibers develop microscopic tears. Theoretically, stretching before exercise should make the muscles more pliable and less likely to tear.

What are 3 reasons it's important to stretch your muscles? ›

5 Benefits of Stretching
  • Stretching can improve posture. Tight muscles can cause poor posture. ...
  • Stretching can improve range of motion and prevents loss of range of motion. ...
  • Stretching can decrease back pain. ...
  • Stretching can help prevent injury. ...
  • Stretching can decrease muscle soreness.
10 Dec 2018

How does stretching your muscles help to reduce the chance of injury? ›

Expanding your muscle fibers increases your flexibility and muscles that are fluid and pliable are less prone to injury. Stretching will also help build strength. Yes, having the appropriate levels of flexibility allows the body to move properly, reducing the overall chance of being injured.

Why is it important to stretch to prevent injury? ›

More studies have concluded that stretching mainly reduces injuries by increasing flexibility. While immobilization and a sedentary can cause long term injuries, range of motion exercises can protect the body. This increased flexibility won't prevent injuries by itself.

How do you prevent injuries during exercises give at least 5 tips to avoid injuries? ›

To reduce the risk of injury:
  1. Take time off. ...
  2. Wear the right gear. ...
  3. Strengthen muscles. ...
  4. Increase flexibility. ...
  5. Use the proper technique. ...
  6. Take breaks. ...
  7. Play safe. ...
  8. Do not play through pain.
20 Mar 2017

What happen to your body during and after stretching? ›

Stretching increases blood flow to muscles and joints which can assist in the decrease of joint stiffness. Stress causes muscles to tense and this strain can negatively affect your body. Stretching muscles alleviates tension and relaxes muscles which can help reduce stress.

Why is it important to stretch after a workout? ›

Stretching can help reduce the accumulation of lactic acid throughout the body. It also relaxes tense muscles. Stretching Limits Muscle and Joint Strain – Stretching in the correct way can limit the strain on your muscles and joints. It will help your muscles stay flexible and toned.

Is stretching important for muscle recovery? ›

Helps you recover from an injury

Stretching helps your muscles relax, which in turn accelerates the healing process due to the increased blood flow. You'll be able to bounce back faster after an intense workout or long day at work when you take time to stretch for just a few minutes.

Why is it important to warm up before and stretch after exercise quizlet? ›

This is because your muscles have become warm and loose from the workout, helping to promote further flexibility and increase the blood flow to your muscles .

Why is it important for muscles to be warm before you stretch? ›

A proper warm up increases flexibility and blood flow to a given area, which limits the chance of a muscle pull and joint pain. Warming up also prepares your muscles to stretch during other exercises.

Should we do stretching before or after warm up? ›

It is very important that you perform the general warm-up before you stretch. It is not a good idea to attempt to stretch before your muscles are warm (something which the general warm-up accomplishes). Warming up can do more than just loosen stiff muscles; when done properly, it can actually improve performance.

What happens when you stretch your muscles everyday? ›

Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way.

What are the benefits of stretching daily? ›

9 Benefits of stretching
  • Increases your flexibility. ...
  • Increases your range of motion. ...
  • Improves your performance in physical activities. ...
  • Increases blood flow to your muscles. ...
  • Improves your posture. ...
  • Helps to heal and prevent back pain. ...
  • Is great for stress relief. ...
  • Can calm your mind.
18 Jun 2018

What happens when you stretch so much you muscles starts to hurt? ›

A sharp or stabbing pain means that you're stretching your muscles beyond their capacity for flexibility. You are overstretching and potentially injuring yourself. Another indication of overstretching, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is feeling sore the day after you stretched.

How do you stretch your muscles after a workout? ›

Place your hands behind your back, and interlace your hands at the base of your spine. Straighten out your arms and turn your hands so your palms are facing down. Then, raise your arms as high as you can until you feel a stretch in your biceps and shoulders. Hold this stretch for 30 to 40 seconds.

How do you recover from soreness? ›

8 Ways To Ease Post-Workout Muscle Soreness
  1. Eat right. Your body needs protein to repair muscles, carbohydrates to fuel your next workout and healthy fats to lubricate your joints. ...
  2. Hydrate. ...
  3. Warm up. ...
  4. Cool down. ...
  5. Get a rubdown. ...
  6. Consider topical solutions. ...
  7. Roll it out. ...
  8. Keep moving.
25 Mar 2016

What soreness means? ›

1a : causing emotional pain or distress a sore subject. b : physically tender (as from overuse or injury) : feeling or affected by pain : achy sore muscles limped on a sore leg felt sore all over. 2 : attended by difficulties, hardship, or exertion.

Should you exercise when your muscles are sore? ›

"Working out when sore is okay as long as it isn't affecting your movement to the point where it's causing you to compensate and do something in a way that's unsafe," says Dr. Hedt. "Muscle soreness can be a deterrent to exercising, but it's temporary and the more you exercise, the less you should feel it.

What type of stretches is the best to do after a workout? ›

Child's Pose. The Child's Pose, also known as 'Balsana' as it is referred to in Yoga, is one of the best stretches immediately following any type of workout.

What stretch is used to strengthen and help keep the back safe from injury? ›

Spine Strengthening Stretch

Lie on your stomach with legs and arms straight and extended. Bring your elbows to your sides and your hands under your shoulders. Gently press into your hands as you slowly lift your chest off the floor. Hold this stretch for 5-10 seconds and repeat the stretch 3 times.

› stretching-expert-explains-h... ›

Many people see stretching as an essential part of any exercise or workout regime. It helps us increase our flexibility and our range of movement. Many of us al...
Just a few minutes of stretching could mean faster recovery and less soreness the next day. Check out these full-body stretches for pre- and post workout.For...
Does stretching help sore muscles? There's more to the standard recovery practice than you might think — here's what to know.

Can stretching before exercise cause injury? ›

Studies show that static stretching before exercise will impair muscle performance and can increase the risk of injury.

What will stretching before a workout to reduce risk of injury? ›

Recent studies have shown that stretching programmes can significantly influence the viscosity of the tendon and make it significantly more compliant, and when a sport demands SSCs of high intensity, stretching may be important for injury prevention.

Does stretching before work prevent injury? ›

Researchers have studied stretching and injury prevention with workers as well as athletes, with mixed results. A few studies have found some modest reductions in injuries and time off work. Other studies have found no reduction in injuries, and even some negative effects of stretching.

Does stretching induce the risk of injury? ›

More studies have concluded that stretching mainly reduces injuries by increasing flexibility. While immobilization and a sedentary can cause long term injuries, range of motion exercises can protect the body.

What happens if you don't stretch before and after a workout? ›

Your Body Will Become More Vulnerable to Muscle Pain and Tightness. Without regular stretching, your body gets cold, and your muscles tighten up. Eventually, your muscles will pull on your joints and trigger significant pain and discomfort.

Why is it important to stretch after a workout? ›

Stretching can help reduce the accumulation of lactic acid throughout the body. It also relaxes tense muscles. Stretching Limits Muscle and Joint Strain – Stretching in the correct way can limit the strain on your muscles and joints. It will help your muscles stay flexible and toned.

What stretching can cause injury? ›

Exerting too much energy or going too deep into a stretch can result in a torn muscle. Slowly ease into your stretches. You may feel slightly uncomfortable during a stretch, but it should never hurt. Don't push your body past its limits, and always stay in your natural range of motion.

How can you reduce your risk of injury during exercise? ›

9 Tips for Avoiding Injuries While Exercising
  1. Take time for a proper warm-up. Jumping straight into your run or aerobics class is a surefire way to injure yourself. ...
  2. Don't overestimate your abilities. ...
  3. Cross-train. ...
  4. Learn proper technique. ...
  5. Eat a balanced diet. ...
  6. Drink plenty of water. ...
  7. Dress for your sport. ...
  8. Listen to your body.

What should you do before stretching to make it the most effective? ›

It is very important that you perform the general warm-up before you stretch. It is not a good idea to attempt to stretch before your muscles are warm (something which the general warm-up accomplishes). Warming up can do more than just loosen stiff muscles; when done properly, it can actually improve performance.

What should you do before and after every workout to minimize injuries? ›

There are some simple steps that can help you keep injury free during your workout:
  • Warm up and Cool down. Every workout should begin with a warm up and end with a cool down period. ...
  • Stretch. Dynamic stretches before and after you work out. ...
  • Ease into it. ...
  • Cross-Train. ...
  • Dress right. ...
  • Rest. ...
  • Treating Workout Injuries.

Does stretching reduce the risk of injury? ›

Improving flexibility through stretching is another important preparatory activity that has been advocated to improve physical performance. Maintaining good flexibility also aids in the prevention of injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

What happens to body when you stretch? ›

Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way.

Does stretching have any benefits? ›

There are many benefits to regular stretching. Not only can stretching help increase your flexibility, which is an important factor of fitness, but it can also improve your posture, reduce stress and body aches, and more.

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