An analyzation and explanation of Jujutsu Kaisen’s power system. (2024)

Jujutsu Kaisen is one of my favorite anime/manga I’ve personally seen. From its interesting characters, to world building, to its story. But one, if not my favorite part of it is its power system. Its complex in nature, taking a long time to understand the routes of its system, how its techniques work, and how the show makes use of it. So in this story, I am going (to the best of my ability) explain and analyze the power system to see if we can get to its routes.

Warning: Possible spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen and Bleach.

Section 1: An Introduction to Jujutsu Sorcery

First, we must answer what is Jujutsu Kaisen. Written my Gege Akutami, Jujutsu Kaisen is published weekly in Shonen Jump Magazine. Fitting into the genre of dark fantasy, adventure, and the supernatural. These genres are similar to other famous Shonen Jump manga like Yu Yu Hakusho (Yoshihiro Togashi) and Bleach (Tite Kubo), which Akutami stated inspired him. With this basic inspiration, I can help explain some of Jujutsu Kaisen’s power system using Bleach’s power system (since that is the one I am more familiar with.)

Jujutsu Kaisen’s basis for its system is based on Cursed Energy, which comes from negative emotions such as grief or anger. This energy then can be utilized in two ways, by Jujutsu Sorcerers and Curses. The sorcerers use cursed energy to formed cursed techniques, which manipulate the energy into something that was more purposes. I think Gojo Satoru, a sorcerer, helps to vizualize cursed energy and techniques. He says to think of cursed energy as electricity, and techniques as appliances.

Cursed techniques are also quite unique. Such as a Soul Reaper’s zanpakto, which is unique to them, a cursed technique is etched into a sorcerers body. Meaning, a jujutsu sorcerer is about 80% innate techniques. Meaning, you can’t learn other sorcerers techniques, and are then stuck with your own innate techniques, shikigami, and basic barriers. However, techniques can be passed down from family lines.

Section 2: Innate Techniques

A sorcerers innate technique is one of the most important tools in a sorcerers arsenal. As stated before, their innate techniques are unique to them and only them, other than if it from a family line. Take for instance Megumi Fushiguro, the main ally to our main character Yuji Itadori. Megumi is a member of the Zen’in Clan, one of the largest Jujutsu Families. He carries the family specific Ten Shadows Technique. This technique allows for him to store ten shikigami that he has defeated to be summoned from the shadow. Megumi’s technique is quite powerful, being able not only to store shikigami, but weapons, and later himself. Other examples include the Gojo family Limitless, Inumaki family’s cursed speech, and Todo’s Boogie Woogie. These techniques are also used in, or with, a combination of hand signals. Going back to Megumi, he uses hand signals to summon a specific shikigami.

However, in rare cases, some sorcerers or curse users can gain techniques through consuming another curse. Two* cases of this can be seen within the series, from Yuji Itadori and Kenjaku. Both of them have consumed a curse, with Yuji consuming Ryomen Sukuna and Kenjaku consuming Mahito. Kenjaku gained Mahito’s technique, Idle Transfiguration, while Yuji has the potential to gain any of Sukunas techniques.

Section 3: Curse Users, and Sorcerers.

Curse users and Jujutsu sorcerers are slightly different from each other. While both may use curse energy and techniques, they differ on who they are more aligned with. The curses or Jujutsu society. Curse users are aligned with the curses of Japan. Curses such as Jogo, Mahito, and Sukuna may have allies like Suguru Geto. Whereas Jujutsu society has a strict protection policy, therefore people like Nanami Kento may align with Jujutsu. This creates a parallel on how their techniques are used.

Using a perfect parallel is Geto and Gojo. At one point, both were sorcerers, with Geto being on to protect others and Gojo blowing that off. However, after the attack of Toji Fushiguro, both change. Gojo wants to protect others as ‘the strongest’, while Geto has lost his protection idea, now reducing non curse users as ‘monkeys’. He leaves Jujutsu society, later fighting that society years later and dying, presumably to Gojo, his former friend.

Section 4: Domain Expansion

A domain is like an inner plane. It is a representation of a persons soul, and therefore their technique. Their innate domain is similar to a barrier, which does some sort of protection. Bringing out a person domain is considered a high level technique known as a Domain Expansion.

Bringing out a domain requires training and massive effort. To bring out your personal domain into the world, creating a barrier around it is challenging. Activation requires a hand sign to be used. So far, there are eight cases of Domain Expansions in the series so far. The sorcerers Megumi Fushiguro and Satruo Gojo, and curse users Ryomen Sukuna, Mahito, Dagon, Smallpox Diety, and Hiromi Higuruma. I’ll quickly list their meanings.

  • Sukuna- Malevolent Shrine. Creation of a non-barrier domain that can use his Cleave and Dismantle techniques anywhere within his domain. He can place a binding vow to increase his range.
  • Jogo- Coffin of the Iron Mountain. Places people within a volcano able to melt any entity that’s inside it instantly.
  • Gojo- Unlimited Void- Places people within his limitless technique, allowing them to see infinity. Prolonged exposure will lead to death.
  • Dagon- Horizon of the Captivating Skandha. Placing people within a tropical beach, he can summon an infinite amount of highly powerful shikigami.
  • Mahito- Self Embodiment of Perfection. Allowing for the manipulation of any soul within his domain, negating the condition of needing to physically touch the soul.
  • Megumi- Chimera Shadow Garden. Allows for him to summon a nearly infinite amount of shadows and shikigami. He can also travel freely within this domain. His domain is incomplete.
  • Smallpox Entity- Smallpox Coffins. Allowing the curse to trap people within a coffin. If they can’t escape within three second, they will be infected with smallpox and die.
  • Higuruma- Deadly Sentencing. Allowing for the user to commence a trial against another for a certain crime. The verdict is either guilty or innocent.

Chapter 5: Tools and Equipment

Jujutsu sorcerers and curse users are not limited to just techniques, there is also a variety of equipment to use. Using these not only as a weapon, but as a tool to take down certain techniques. One of these is the ‘Reverse Spear of Heaven.’ This weapon allows for the complete shut down of a person’s cursed technique. This tool was used by Toji Fushiguro, a non sorcerer, to defeat Saturo Gojo by taking down his Limitless technique, which could repeal thing that tried to come toward them by slowing them down.

Other equipment is items such as the Prison Box. When used, it can trap someone within the box, which acts sort of like a mini dimension. Inside the box, time doesn’t pass, so someone could be 25 when they enter, and still be 25 after 500 years pass. This is used by Kenjaku to seal Saturo Gojo, so that Kenjaku’s plan of beginning the Heian era can succeed.

Chapter 6: Heavenly Restriction

Heavenly Restriction is a special phenomina within the jujutsu world. Instead of someone being born with normal energy of a sorcerer, they either lose or gain cursed energy. In return, they gain something in return. Examples include Kokichi Muta, who had a severely damaged body, how in return gain massive amounts of cursed energy, Maki Zen’in, and Toji Fushiguro. Both Maki and Toji had either little cursed energy or no cursed energy, however had extreme strength. Heavenly Restiriction could be considered a blessing, as both Toji and Maki are considered some of the strongest people in the entire series.

(final note)

This isn’t a comprehensive list of all of the Jujutsu Kaisen power system. However, I wanted to highlight some of the most important. I’d recommend seeking more resources for learning about the power system on YouTube, as my list is quite small and explanation are mostly summaries.

An analyzation and explanation of Jujutsu Kaisen’s power system. (2024)
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